Ruiru 11 is a compact, high yielding variety developed in Kenya to allow for more intensive coffee production with fewer losses from disease and pests. It is resistant to both Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) and Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR).
The variety name has the prefix “Ruiru” referring to the location of the Kenyan Coffee Research Station where the variety was developed. The name is completed by an additional two code numbers, 11. The first code number denotes the type of variety as a one-way cross between two designated parent populations and the second number defines the sequence of release, in this case the first release.
Ruiru 11 owes its existence to a coffee berry disease (CBD) epidemic in 1968 that lead to the loss of 50% of Kenya’s production. CBD is a coffee disease that affects the fruit. It is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum kahawe. The crisis sparked action. In the 1970s, the coffee research station at Ruiru, which gives Ruiru 11 its name, began an intensive breeding program for varieties that were immune to CBD. This led to the development of Ruiru 11, which was released in 1985.
PLANTING DENSITY | 2500/3300 tree/ha |
GROWING AREA | All coffee growing areas |
Instead of yielding cherries after two years, it can produce after 1½ years. Another feature that farmers love, is the compact growth. This means that Ruiru 11 plants don’t need a lot of room to produce a good yield. Instead of 1,330 trees per hectare for SL28 and SL34, they can plant 2,500 trees per hectare. This translates into a higher production per unit area of land. The variety comes into production earlier, hence earlier realization of benefits to the farmers.
We stock 4 high quality approved varieties of Arabica coffee: Ruiru 11 grafted seedlings, SL28 seedlings, Batian Seedlings and K7 seedlings.
Ruiru 11 is a compact, high yielding variety developed in Kenya to allow for ...
K7 cultivar was selected at Legetet Estate in Muhoroni from the French Mission Coffee.
The SL 28 cultivar was selected at the former Scott Laboratories (now the National ...
The Coffee Research Foundation released another disease-resistant variety in 2010; the Batian. The Batian ...